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llRegionSay(integer channel, string message);

Sends the text specified as message on the specified channel region-wide.


integer channel
any integer value, integer variable or chat channel constant, except PUBLIC_CHANNEL and 0
string message
any string value or string variable with maximal 1024 characters

Returns void

This function doesn't return a result.


Those constants can be used as channels

constant value description
DEBUG_CHANNEL 2147483647 value of the debug channel


Sends "show" to all objects of the region at channel 1, when the object is touched:

	touch_start(integer number)
		llRegionSay(1, "show");


This function is used, to broadcast messages to objects in a region on a specific channel.

Objects are able to hear messages send to any channel. For objects, to receive those messages, they have to llListen() to the channel the message is send.

The message can be heard on the whole region.

To send a message to another object, any channel can be used, except PUBLIC_CHANNEL or 0. A negative channel should be used, when it's not desired that users would be able to send such messages to this channel too.

llRegionSay(-48827300, "Only objects can hear this.");


Messages that are longer then 1024 bytes, are truncated to 1024 bytes.

The message is not broadcasted to scripts belonging to the same prim, that sends it. This is relevant when it comes to listen to messages, as that helps to prevent infinite recursion.

The possible chat channel range for scripts is from -2147483648 to 2147483647.

This function is different then llSay(), llWhisper() and llShout() in the following ways:

It's not possible to use PUBLIC_CHANNEL to send a message to the public chat of the whole region. This is an intended restriction.

The message is not broadcasted over region borders, regardless of the distance.

It's not possible to send a regionwide message as an avatar, as it is described in the other functions.

Messages send to DEBUG_CHANNEL will not be broadcasted in the whole region at this channel. The function will act as llShout(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "/me say, " + message) instead and shout the message on the public chat within 100m. If "/me" is used in the message, the function will act as llShout(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, message).

More Examples / Code Snippets

  • Code Snippet - Methods to create and use an unique channel

Related Functions

  • llWhisper() - Send a message up to a distance of 10m
  • llSay() - Send a message up to a distance of 20m
  • llShout() - Send a message up to a distance of 96m
  • llOwnerSay() - Sends a chat message only visible to the owner of an object
  • llInstantMessage() - Sends a private chat message to a specific avatar

Related Events

  • listen - Listens to messages on watched channels


SecondLife (agni), Secondlife (aditi), OpenSimulator

See also[]

  • llMessageLinked() - to be used for more efficient communication between the linked prims of an object.
  • llEmail() - to be used for communicating directly with a specific object within the same or a different simulator, as also sending regular emails.
  • llListen() - creates a listener to watch for messages on a specific channel
  • llDialog() - creates a dialog, which broadcasts the text of the pressed button similar to llSay()
  • Chat category
  • Communication category
  • Channels used by specific script libraries
  • llRegionSay - Function reference at SecondLife LSL Wiki
  • llRegionSay - Function reference at

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